Information about their AWEI participation was requested from these agencies. However they indicated they did not participate.


Organisation NameComment
Australian Public Service Commission (APSC)“Commission did not make submissions to the Australian Workplace Equality Index scheme or participate in the Australian Workplace Equality Index employee survey and so no relevant documents were located after reasonable searches.”

ASPC released a tax invoice for membership
Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)Stated that “I am satisfied that all relevant searches have been undertaken to locate the documents you requested and that no documents are in the possession of Austrade.”
Department of Premier & Cabinet (VIC)“DPC did not participate in the ACON’s Pride in Diversity – AWEI scheme in 2021, and no submissions have been made for at least two years. The department does not hold any other documents relevant to the terms of your request.”
GeoScience AustraliaDid not participate in AWEI.

GeoScience Australia released an invoice for memberhip.
National Disability Insurance Agency“The NDIA considered participating in the AWEI scheme in 2021, however, made the decision not to, in order to focus on the delivery of the draft NDIA LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Plan (the Plan) and attainment of actions outlined in the Plan. The NDIA used AWEI documents to assist in the formulation of the Plan. This means that the Plan reflects some of the markers from the AWEI Scoring Guide.”
Safework Australia“Safe Work Australia did not provide a submission for ACON’s Pride in Diversity Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) Scheme in 2021.”

Safe Work Australia released a tax invoice for membership


Organisation NameComment
Australian Public Service Commission (APSC)“I am satisfied that all reasonable steps have been taken to find any document relevant to your request. No documents were found. I am satisfied the documents do not exist because the Commission did not participate in the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) in 2022.”

APSC did not release any invoices (which they did in 2021).