Since 2010, ACON has been engaged in a successful regulatory capture exercise on Australian government, not-for-profit, universities and private companies. Regulatory capture is a form of corruption where a political entity, policymaker, or regulator is co-opted to serve the interests of a minor constituency, such as a particular ideological group.

ACON operates a membership suite of industry-specific membership schemes – the “Pride in” franchise. These schemes offer tools and advice on issues around LGBTIQ inclusion. Their advice is framed as best practice for overall diversity and inclusion, but ACON’s advice only takes account of LGBTQ needs and ignores any conflicts with women, differently-abled people, people of CALD backgrounds etc.

ACON encourages employers to participate in a yearly benchmarking scheme (AWEI) which requires organisations to undertake a series of expensive tasks. A large number of the points available in the AWEI benefit “Trans and gender diverse” inclusion over any other group.